SUMMARY: Teeth are symbolic of the Mars Principle in human beings, representing aggression and defense. The position and condition of teeth can indicate life themes and psychological challenges, with the first tooth representing the ability to bite and defend oneself. Suppressing aggression can lead to unstable adults and a lack of self-realization, while healthy development of the oral cavity reflects a stable self-esteem. Dentists and healers have found correlations between tooth positions and life themes, including the potential for healing and integration of the feminine and masculine sides.
Teeth reveal psychological makeup, life themes, and challenges, reflecting natural aggression and defense mechanisms.
Suppressing natural aggression, symbolized by teeth, leads to psychological and societal issues.
Tooth positions and oral cavity size indicate personality traits, self-esteem, and life themes.
"Teeth represent our ability to bite, to defend ourselves. To ward off aggressors and attackers."
Did you ever think that your natural teeth, the way they're positioned in your mouth, tell something about your psychological makeup and life themes and challenges you came in this world to overcome?
In the age of perfect smiles, albeit artificial ones with whitened teeth, veneers and immaculate bites - we lost sight of what actually happens underneath our beautiful dental work. And the natural meanings they have for your inner battles and psychological health.
Teeth have quite a bit to say about your propensity of struggles, life themes and challenges in this lifetime. They represent our ability to bite, to defend ourselves. To ward off aggressors and attackers. They are essential for speech and intake of food into our system.
Teeth are symbolic of the Mars Principle in human beings. Natural aggression that impacts our overall health. Yes, aggression. This force is a natural part of human nature. Suppressing it causes many problems later on. In individuals and societies. Teeth express this fundamental function of manifested spirit. Aggression in a positive sense means nothing less than the ability to conquer something. Overcome. Have bite and grit. Aggression is part of our natural balance and health.
"The first tooth is the incisor. A tooth that literally cuts its way into our tender baby gums. The resulting inflammation demonstrates the connection of the fiery principle with the teething process."
So what do teeth have to do with aggression?
We learn about aggression -- the Mars principle -- already as babies: when teeth come in, it causes pain. This is our first contact as human being with aggression.
The first tooth is the incisor. A tooth that literally cuts its way into our tender baby gums. The resulting inflammation demonstrates the connection of the fiery principle with the teething process. Babies react to the pain of toothing either by crying, sobbing or being really angry. Mars in action!
The break-through of teeth influences the well-being of the child for a while. Some get fever, others diarrhea or other symptoms. Those symptoms trigger the young organism to mobilize for battle. Most children showcase with their reaction to this initial battle mobilization a certain attitude towards aggression.
"Aggression is generally rejected by adults and children alike. But as it is part of Nature and our human constitution, we need to live out aggression as much as we need teeth to take in food."
Aggression: a Natural Mars Principle
Aggression is generally rejected by adults and children alike. We get nerved and annoyed by aggressive people. But as it is part of Nature and our human constitution, we need to live out aggression as much as we need teeth to take in food. Nature didn't make a mistake by giving us this rather painful mobilizer.
Rejecting the Mars principle -- aggression as a natural part of our existence -- makes things much more complicated for us: in dealing with others, with the environment and balancing our psyche. Suppressed aggression, passive-aggressiveness, has become the norm for many. Instead of learning how to stand up for yourself and defend yourself as it occurs, we are trained to suppress it. Consequently, this suppression of a natural part of our existence and functioning has to show up elsewhere.
In the US, there is an increasing number of children in kindergarten and elementary classes that bite their teachers. An example of unhealthily suppressed aggression.
Because in an over politically-correct world, any sign of aggression gets punished and the aggressor ostracized; schools erect "safe zones" instead of teaching kids how to channel aggression in a healthy way; human to human dialogue when they disagree has been suppressed to either run to a higher up for protection or take it out in the avatar reality of the internet which is not the same as living out aggression as an integrated part of human life. Now, I'm not speaking of hurting someone else or take it out on someone else. But the ability to stand up for yourself is crucial for an empowered, happy, human being with healthy self esteem. The practiced suppression of the Mars Principle leads to unstable adults that need the state to "protect" them. So: fertile ground to groom entire generations for the nanny state.
States that treat adults like children. Being "toothless", thus dependent on someone else and letting the state do whatever it wants. It is an emotional and physical state a baby experiences in the first six months where it can only suck and doesn't have the vitality yet to attack the parents. The nanny states parallels this emotional and physical dependency. It keeps adults "toothless" in an allegorical sense, unable to stand up for themselves.
This is what more and more people around the world are rebelling against: the state being the parent that keeps its people "toothless".
The four quadrants of the bite: Yin and Yang, right in our mouth!
What do the tooth positions in your mouth indicate? The upper part of your bite is part of the bone structure of the head. In Taoistic as well as Jewish traditions, the head not only represents the peak/the crown/the top of the human being, but also Heaven. Giving the upper bite the task of transferring your incoming higher wishes to lower spheres and lower regions of the body.
The lower bite is related to matter, creating and executing. It can be moved up and down, left and right. With these movements we digest food, and, in a spiritual sense, digest the world around us. The chin marks the silhouette of the lower part of the head. The more it sticks out and points forward - the more someone is driven to leave their particular taste and mark on the world. The less the chin points forward, the higher is a person's drive for his /her own self-realization.
While the upper bite represents the inner, higher wishes - the lower bite represents the relationship of the bite owner to his/her environment
The right side is associated with the archetypal masculine, the logically-oriented mind with a relation to the material - the Yang principle.
The left side is associated with the archetypal feminine parts which are centered on holistic, musical and analogous perception, the yin principle. This side relates to longings and feelings.
So, if you have teeth problems in the upper yang region, it signals issues with dreams and wishes; if you have problems in the lower bite of the yin side - you have likely issues in realizing and executing your dreams.
Tooth problems in the upper left quadrant may point towards wishes related to your physical existence. Questions like how do I want to express myself may plague you. Upper right quadrant points more to finding your place in the world.
Issues with the lower left can point to a lack of recognition and acceptance in your family. In this case, you might have a life theme of questioning how to get actual physical results from your immense empathy; problems on the lower right point to difficulties in tackling practical life realities.
The size of your oral cavity in relation to the size of your perceived outer world
Dentist Marianne Braun correlates the size of the interior mouth with a human being's exterior world. A healthy developed oral cavity reflects a stable self-esteem. A smaller mouth cavity is indicative of shy people. These people often have a feeling of being constrained, not being able to take up the whole space that they should and deserve according to their personality and potential. But: it can be improved! By speaking more often aloud, opening your mouth more, learning to express yourself eloquently help you overcome initial shyness.
Early pulling of wisdom teeth can worsen these issues related to a tight oral cavity, according to Austrian healer and holistic medical doctor, Ruediger Dahlke.
All teeth have certain relations to life themes. As all of our organs, bones, fingers, toes and every part of our body has. Nothing in our body doesn't have a spiritual idea behind its bodily expression.
The tooth called '1' by dentists is related to the number one, the number of all beginnings. It represents holding all opportunities and all of your potential.
Symbolically, the 1 tooth relates to mother and father. If there's a gap in between your 1s for example - you have what many traditions call "lucky teeth". But, to experience this luck, you have to work through baggage. A lot of it: Because this gap indicates an inner split between your feminine and masculine sides. Your path then in life is to transcend that split and learn to integrate both sides peacefully and harmoniously. For many, that's real work!
The upper left tooth '1' represents the inner mother (or inner women), according to French dentist Michele Caffin. An archetype of the feminine side of God, the Goddess. The upper right '1' symbolizes the inner father and man, the masculine archetype and the highest authority. So, if someone loses their number '1' tooth, it is a tell tell sign of a damaged idea in your mind of parental roles.
See, teeth have a lot to say about your life themes and psychological composition that you brought with you in this lifetime to work through and develop as a human being. Just as all our other body parts. Nothing in Nature has been created in vain or without a spiritual concept.
If you like to hear more about the meaning of other teeth, molars or wisdom teeth and what they may indicate, or are interested in learning more about Bodily connections and the language of Nature, subscribe to my newsletter.
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