"Love is never against something; it always stands for something. It's its own Queen. A Truth, I live by."
'Work is love made visible', Khalil Gibran in The Prophet
The liberty to do what you love - everyone's dream. And yet, where does it come from?
From inner magic. Directing our own becoming.
And the truer we are, the truer our lives become and the truer our society becomes.
In January 2020, Nicolette followed her inner magic and took the plunge to do what she always wanted to. She hosts the independent weekly Live TV show, Smart Sustainability (in addition to other TV projects and her work as international correspondent).
Nicolette is looking at creating a sustainable future from economic, environmental, social and deeply human perspectives with a myriad of guests from science, spirituality, artists, innovators, social entrepreneurs, change makers and everyday citizens from all sides. Bringing indigenous worldviews, scientific as well as spiritual cosmovisions in a wide array of differing opinions together, beyond politics, parties and sides. Based on common-sense & the laws of nature.
TV host, changemaker, visionary, international correspondent. Co-Chair of The Golden Door Forum and Co-Founder of Co-Create America -- a new initiative that harnesses the power of the people to do what Americans do best: create the lives we want. And the world we want. Enabling each other in the pursuit of happiness.
Nicolette's brings enthusiasm, heart and common sense to co-creating a future in tune with Nature and our own truth to television. -- Infusing a holistic outlook with a deep sensibility for where people and planet are going.
With a foot in both worlds, she bridges spiritual and scientific; nature and arts; visible and invisible dimensions in her “Third View” perspectives on TV and in her writings. Bringing dynamic insights and a breath of fresh air to current systems, human way of life, Nature and future potential & possibilities.
Warmth, natural curiosity, ability to build rapport coupled with substance knowledge of cultural, economic, social, spiritual ecosystems, are hallmarks of her as interviewer, respected host, engaging moderator and conversationalist.
Not a cookie cutter broadcast journalist, Nicolette earned an MBA from Ecole des Ponts Paristech/France and worked on five continents. A true self-actualizer, she spent the first half of her career in executive and entrepreneurial roles with a big focus on organizational transformation. She worked with international broadcasters France24, DW, NHK World and launched innovative 'firsts'. Her diverse experience led her to spearhead the field of transformation where a holistic approach, substance knowledge, spiritual insights and understanding nature are a decisive Plus.
She lectured global business and management transformation at Georgetown and brings intelligent conversations in a whole systems approach to TV, mixing universal truths with humor. Nicolette is multi-lingual (German, French, English, Spanish).
On a personal note, Nicolette's journey can be summarized as PUSH and PULL. The INFLUENCE of FAITH. The FOUR ELEMENTS. Backbone. Resilience, often re-invention and the need to stand up for her life.
Born in Germany, literally in no-man's land, along the iron curtain, she followed her husband across the Atlantic to the US in 2000. There, she saw the best and the worst of America. ... American myth and reality. -- And loved all of it.
"If you know a bit about numerology, you might intuitively understand. If you think, it's esoteric, and for a media person perhaps out of place, follow my thoughts for a moment...
11 was a prevalent influence in my life. Now, one can say, 11 = 2 which means making peace with duality; one can equally say 11 means a double 1.
I.e. it holds twice the strength of the 1 -- independence, freedom, willpower, as well as nervous tension & illuminating natural insight.
11 is the bringing together of the polar opposites of life: push and pull. A strive for Independence and need for collaboration. Tremendous sensitivity and vulnerability with a fierceness of will. Reconciling a will to die with a will to live. -- Powerful forces! Out of which come life; for they are the very dynamic of life.
Born literally 5 miles from the iron curtain, at the border of East and West into a porcelain dynasty, the first half of my life oscillated between opposites, constantly experiencing two sides: Poverty and wealth. Communism and capitalism. Loss and win. Creation and destruction. Heightened inner sensitivity and outward pride. – Paradoxes. Forces, that diametrically opposed one another.
It took me a while to figure out what to do with an ability to oscillate between opposites, and yet, not lose myself in either side.
By focusing on one – I felt I would negate the other and thus deny a part of myself. Until I understood, what I was really doing was integrating and digesting different sides. Something that enables me today to synthesize opposing viewpoints while still holding on to my own. To see the world not in black and white, but as the unit of the two. To not negate good or evil, but to see how opposites are needed for the physical world to exist.
In reality, two opposites are not really that far apart. They hold the same energy, just on opposite ends of the spectrum. Which is why love can be transformed into hate and vice vs. To really understand and heal something, you have to go through its opposite for light could not be seen without darkness.
So: being contrarian is a good thing. Taking nothing at face value good practice. And bringing things into balance a healthy life principle. But it wasn't always like that.
As a child, I knew I wanted to become a broadcast journalist. -- In America out of all places. Because of my father's resistance in seeing his daughter as potential war reporter, I went to business school instead, gaining a healthy foundation of business and multicultural, entrepreneurial thinking. Naturally, I spent the first half of my career in business; as entrepreneur, mother and wife when I came to the US. ... Not an easy transition.
Contrary to what I expected the US to be, I encountered strict hierarchies and people afraid of almost everything: the weather, the Sun, the wind, rain, snow. And often life itself. Having faced limitations of financial and personal nature on my own, in the US, I was forced to create my own path, with all the ups and downs, the insecurities, the fears and the fun it would entail. ... And discovered: This is where America shines:
Real self actualization, coupled with a lightheartedness not found in any other country. America throws you back to yourself and teaches you to change your circumstances out of your own inner power. That's America's promise; its beating heart and fertile ground. Pure power of transformation.
An invite and opportunity open to all of us, knowingly or not. I re-invented myself, several times over, along the path. Each time shedding something more I no longer was. That, too, is unique to America. I changed industries, sectors & outlook. Wherever my inner voice told me to go - I went. What to me felt like detours; to others it looked like I was traveling on a magic carpet with every piece contributing a vital part to my life and what I'm doing today:
connecting the dots about ourselves, nature, the future and the world we want to create.
One of Beauty, the Good, the True and the Beautiful while not neglecting or externalizing the ugly. At 50, life brought me full circle. I took the jump and do what I always wanted to do: Writing, and being a TV broadcaster. That's America. The Beautiful. And no country does it better. That alone is worth standing up for.