Summary: Values are essential to personal fulfillment and contribute to the collective. Knowing your values -- not just the ones you think you have -- but your subconscious ones can help in making better life decisions, finding jobs that align with your values deep down, and creating a more peaceful world. Understanding your values can also help in reprogramming your brain and nervous system, and in identifying whether the values you live by are your own or instilled by others.
Knowing your values is essential for your personal well-being and contributes to societal harmony.
Subconscious Values influence every major decision and action in life, including career, family, and the outcome of relationships.
Understanding and articulating your true values reduce conflicts, put you in a stronger negotiating position with supervisors and promote peace and prosperity.
What are your values? What is a personal value? How does it influence your self-esteem? ... And: Are you being valued?
Values -- the number one driver that shape our lives. Whether in relationships, career, family and politics. What are your values -- and what is your value -- with which you enrich your family, community, work environment or kids with? Do you know what that is? Can you articulate it?
Are you aware what really drives you? And of the enormous value you bring to the world around you ... just by being You?
In other words: do you know what makes you, really You?
"Values are the core reason why families clash with one another, partners separate and entire populations fall prey to ideologies."
Can you clearly articulate your value in the seven areas of your life? Career, spiritual, social, mental/emotional, physical, family, financial? And why does it matter not just for yourself, but for the well-being of the country, the US and also other nations? Are you mindful of your values when making decisions?
Well ... for starters, there is a direct correlation between your values, your value and how you are perceiving being valued as a consumer, a team member, a friend, a partner, a parent to how much of yourself you courageously share with others and how much you purposefully bring in to contribute to the rest of us.
Building a future in the 21st Century of prosperity, well-being, abundance requires that each of us brings in fully -- and consciously -- your authentic self. In other words, to build our future going forward, you need to bring in what makes you You! Your core essence. We all have a unique core essence of traits. And speak your truth. Chris Wallace just announced he's leaving CNN and that it seems the action is in podcasting. But the real point is that action must be to be courageous enough to live authentic self and speak your truth. To do that, knowing your values is a must.
May sound easy, but it's not. Because it's not the values you believe may drive you -- it's the values that subconsciously drive you. And there, our inner world gets a lot more colluded and obscure.
Three words -- values, value, valued -- are at the core of our divisions today. In politics, in the state of our marriages, families, work environments or the community at large.
They influence our health and well-being, our success and every major decision and action in life.
Values are one of the essential essences in the makeup of your soul that drive our personal well-being in this lifetime, and add to the collective. They are like guard rails of our human existence of the personality we chose to experience on planet earth in this lifetime.
Values are an essential essence of a human being, equally important as beauty, power, love and will.
They constitute the essence of what makes you ... You!
Namely, one of a kind. Irreplaceable in the orchestra of the cosmos at this time.
Not only are values deeply personal, they have an important role to play for your purposeful contribution to the greater whole. If you consciously recognize the unique combination of your essence, you automatically add them for the benefit of all of us.
Imagine a landscape in Nature, buzzing with life all around. Everything communicates with everything. So do we, with our essences.
Your value combination is an expression of your unique essence. If you don’t consciously communicate that very essence – this particular voice – is silent. Not being really heard, seen or felt by others. Thus, your place, your role in the greater community stays empty or only half-way filled. And you deprive us of your contribution, because your voice is missing.
While your values may change in hierarchy or priority over time during the course of your life, depending on life stage, experience and goals -- their major makeup stays with you for your entire lifetime in this physical body.
Not always are we cognizant of what our real values really are. We think we do, but live in reality subconsciously the values of others that have been instilled in us by parents, cultures, families, media, societies, ancestors, even corporations. This is where our lives often get derailed: then we experience conflicting values in our psyche; or, if you’ve experienced trauma you've been trained to subjugate your own values to the values of another whom you deem more"valuable". See the problem?
Wrong belief systems, too, often suggest it's egoistic to stand up for your values resulting in discontentment, disillusionment, low self-esteem and depression.
Values are the core reason why families clash with one another, partners separate and entire populations fall prey to ideologies.
They decide over war or peace; success or failure; fulfilling partnerships or parted ways. They set up communities and neighborhoods and entire countries with vibrations of abundance and love, or scarcity and hate. With safety and constraints, or freedom and growth.
Knowing your values and your personal value is at the heart of self-confidence and personal fulfillment. They are magic ingredients; the key to your kingdom or queendom.
They help you become authentically You in a number of circumstances:
- Give you the clarity you need to communicate with your boss in employment evaluations;
- Articulate what you want and thus, become true to yourself;
- Stop blaming others and instead, take charge of your life;
- Stop wasting time as victim and instead be clear about what fulfills you;
- Give you the competence to integrate different view points and opinions.
The more you know yourself, the less you serve as a projection screen for others. And the less you're being triggered in a highly polarized and fragmented society.
Knowing our personal values is a key prerequisite for co-creating a thriving, abundant, peaceful future!
So, how does knowing your value help heal America and contribute to create a more peaceful world?
"Knowing your personal values is a key prerequisite for co-creating a thriving, abundant, peaceful future!"
People who know their own subconscious values feel less threatened and triggered if someone pokes or tries to humiliate them. Because, we only react to things that hit you personally. When someone says e.g. "you're boring" and you know that energy is one of your top values -- then whatever the other person may say will not hurt you. It's easy to hit someone who doesn't have a clear understanding of their own values -- and value. Because they depend on external validation. If you know your values and your value -- it liberates you from the need of external validations.
The word origin of value BTW comes from ‘valere’, meaning being healthy, worth, strong.
And this gets right to the heart of what is playing our right now:
Hate speech thrives when people don't know their values and the value they contribute to society.
Because people with real self-esteem and clarity of their values don't attack others. Remember: There are no wrong values!
Watch the impact of Values on Life, War & Peace - Watch the full episode here:
Watch the impact of Values on Life, War & Peace - Watch the full episode here.
What are values?
And How do you find your subconscious values?
1. Look around in your home. What takes up most of your space? Your closet? Your walls? What type of items do you keep and what do you purge?
Observe yourself for 2-3 days in a row. Notice what you think about most? Write down the category: is it your future, relationships, family, job, etc. ?
2. Do a reflection exercise that we talked about in the recent joint Smart Sustainability/Co-Create America TV episode. If you're interested to participate, send us an email.
To really know what your personal values are takes work. If you know what they are, distill them to the 5 top ones - you'll not only make better life decisions, find more jobs that let you perform based on your values and are more aligned with who you are and your life purpose, but: you will stop throwing the rope uphill and start becoming magnetic, going with the flow, aligned with your talents and abilities.
3. Articulate your personal value in each of the following realms:
Value articulation in family, your own and family of origin, worldwide network, family, friends: What value do you bring, what do they value about you? How do they value you?
Spiritual: Look for value you bring by taking stock of your knowledge, techniques,courage, energy, personal spiritual development and maturity
Mental: Look at your education, abilities, skills. Education can also be street smarts and include anything that taught you something of value for others
Physical: Look at your health, abilities, beauty, wardrobe, image; how you bring value to businesses as consumer, as neighbor, as friend, as supporter
Vocational: Look at your career -- what type of contribution, value did or do you bring to your company? To customers? What talents helped you? What are your abilities and skills? Write 30 positive statements about you in a career context.
Financial: Look at your finances? Are you good at managing your money? Do you have a positive relationship with Wealth? Look at bank accounts, cash flow, property, etc.
All of these give you an imprint of your values. Believe me, once you get clarity on what your values are, your potential for friction within family and other people goes down exponentially. If you really know your values and consciously embody them, you won't ever again waste time trying to convince someone else to change theirs. See, how knowing your values and I mean really knowing your values and why they are your values can help create peace in the world and generate happy people?
To build the future we want, in peace and prosperity, create loving neighborhoods and communities, societies of trust and truth,and the country we once again all call our home -- knowing your deep values and understanding your personal value that you bring to others is paramount for co-creation.
So: take the first step to transform not only your life but also the division we have. Let's do some magic!
If you're interested in learning more about values - value and being valued and how to apply values in all dimensions of your life, sign up for our newsletter.
And: if you want to go yet deeper and find out what the underlying essence of your values represents in terms of quality -- not just a word -- definitely sign up for the newsletter, because we're doing an upcoming webinar on this.
Why? It's not enough to just know your values by words or concepts; to really work with them, you have to understand what they represent. Because every value has a distinctive quality underneath what the word or concept hold. This is where it gets interesting! And where you start mapping your programmed neurological pathways of your brain and nervous system and can re-program them. This is also where you find out, if a value is really yours or one of those instilled ones by others.
#values #personal values #selfesteem #communication #humanbeings