

Nicolette DeVidar

February 28, 2025: Humanity's date with destiny

February 28,2025: a date that changes our destiny as humanity. A seven planetary alignment plus Earth (=8) inviting humans around the world to transform Who and How we are.

If you're sensitive to energies and frequencies -- and have access to spiritual Truths -- this powerful alignment is calling you.

For all those that have been working on themselves to step up and step into their greater purpose, this cosmic alignment is a gift to become bold, truthful, authentic. Opening your heart -- truly opening your heart embracing the entire universe with everything and everyone in it. Becoming light -- without old baggage and bondage -- and stepping into your future with a bold vision beyond what's visible to your physical eyes.

It's a big cosmic day. For cosmically attuned Souls.

Seven planets are lining up and Earth as 8th is part of it. 7 is the highest number of physical manifestation. The number of perfection. The number of completion. Whatever was worked on in the spiritual realms up to now, will now accelerate to manifest physically . The new humanity.

8 is the number of infinity -- the number of power and the Beyond. The Divine.

All planets aligned usher in a major shift that is nothing short of changing humanity's destiny. Literally who we are, how we function, what matters to us and how we live. Old structures are crumbling and gaining momentum in their collapse. Old habits getting kicked out of space. Old attitudes shaken off to be left behind.

Today, the past is gone.

Holding on to it would be fatal. There is a dark energy with alignments, though, too. It's not all light or enlightening. While we mostly think these alignments are all about enlightenment and therefore light -- ... to become lighter, we have to shed weight. And that usually means integrating a darker side, old baggage, old wounds, old belief systems, things that weigh us down and make us heavy. Things that deceived us and created an illusion.

So, this planetary alignment is not only a cosmic spectacle for the eyes -- it 's also an invite to let go, get light and approach the light.

We got Mars, the planet of aggression in the lineup, prompting you to ask yourself: Are you fighting for your dreams? Your life vision? Your purpose? For why you incarnated at this time? Are you manifesting what you came here to manifest?

I just recovered from a flu and with shook off a number of old limitations and old wounds that held me back and kept me from saying 100% YES to execute what I came here on Earth to manifest. While recuperating, the spiritual world helped me draw out dark energies from a previous incarnation that I kept carrying with me and which broke through during the flu like mold breaks through the walls of a house. During the time of recuperating, I trusted myself in the spiritual care of powerful healers from the other world. Showing me what had happened and what apparently still had influenced me up to this point. Things I did to myself. Limitations, I had created for myself. Potential I had said no to and now am opening up to saying YES to. Yes, to all of my potential, unlimited opportunities and abundance overflow from the heart - the source of the eternal Divine. The old, weighing down energies were not something outside of myself, but inside myself. It took me about a few good weeks of healing and caring and loving and trusting myself in the hands of the spiritual world to draw those energies out of me. Getting them our of cell structures and out of my nervous system imprint. I then started coughing, a lot - coughing up all the old patterns and limitations that are no longer part of me going forward to fulfill my purpose in this lifetime. The question the spiritual world asked of me was exactly that" am I saying YES to manifesting my dreams? Wholeheartedly? Do I decide to do so? -- I did.

The same question is asked of you: are you manifesting your purpose 100%?

Then we have Jupiter - the planet of expansion, planet of growth, planet of multiplying our potential -- inviting us to dream big, think big, grow beyond ourselves. Ending thinking small, thinking in limitations and opening up our consciousness to the frequency of the universe.

Are your willing to grow? Expand? Think big? Are you willing to leave your comfort zone? Without growth, we cannot evolve. And without leaving our comfort zone - we cannot grow. So, stop resisting the expansion and go the distance within. Expansion is a journey within to manifest on the outside. We are being called forward. It is pushing us to think bigger, believe in our potential, our Divinity and trust the lessons life is sending us. Life makes no mistakes.

Moving on to Uranus, the rebel. Uranus' energy is that of the disruptor. The breaker of old patterns. Forcing us to think outside the box.

Uranus doesn't care about tradition. So, no more "that's what we've always done" in vocabularies. Uranus is about shaking off the old and embracing the new. Anything that isn't aligned with the laws of the universe will be shaken off and stirred - and brought down:

Outdated systems. Outdated orders, including the post-world war II international world order. That, too, is done. The big shakeup is already taking place all around the world, and it will shakeup humans' inner worlds.

This is the time to re-invent yourself.

The time to reinvent ourselves. And become our highest version of ourselves. As humans, as individuals, as societies, as nations. Many feel their rug being pulled out from underneath them right now. E.g. through the restructuring that's happening in the US through DOGE and the many revelations coming out.

Uranus is the wild card. The rebel against the status quo. The lightning rod for overnight changes and catalyst that catapults us into the new world. It asks you to dissolve patterns that no longer serve you. And it asks us collectively to let go of systems that no longer serve us for our future.

Uranus is calling for rebellion against the status quo. Not for rebellion's sake, but for the sake of personal freedom and spirit.

It's time to let go of outdated belief systems, old habits and the old you to embrace who you are becoming and who we are becoming as humanity on planet Earth. Uranus asks us to embrace change. The future is calling. And we respond.

Neptune, the heart opener. The visionary. The planet of dreams, intuition and higher consciousness. Neptune is the planet of perception beyond the illusion. Perceiving from the world of the unseen. The gateway to the deep. Pure heart energy that invites us to tap into our deepest spiritual insights and awaken to higher truths. Daring to dive deeper into unseen dimensions of reality.

Are you willing to step into the unknown? Can you see beyond the illusion? Do you dare to pierce the veil? See through what you perceive is physical reality with your eyes to what's behind the forms you see? Neptune is pushing us to pierce the veil. Calling us to connect through our Heart energy. Trusting our intuition and the mysteries of the universe.

Venus, the planet of love is stirring our emotions and asking us to look deep if there's anything you're holding on to which no longer serves you. Old relationships, old wounds, strained relationships, rejected love, suppressed emotions. Dark spots that cover your heart chakra. Blocked energy that keeps you from embracing everything as is and everything unfolding. This is the time to clear all wounds and suppressed emotions. Now. This is also the time to start connecting the Heart -- our new evolving center of Seeing and Communicating -- with the head. In future, not the head will tell you what to do. It will be the Heart Center. And believe me, the answer is very different!

This is also the time to start connecting the Heart -- our new evolving center of Seeing and Communicating

Moving on to Saturn: the judge, the teacher, the structure. Saturn is about responsibility. Accountability. A no nonsense energy that shows us where we haven't taken responsibility or where we have room for improvement of accountability. The debates about accountability in government right now in the US and in other countries fall into this energy. Saturn is about taking consequences for actions. Whether good or bad. Take responsibility for the choices we made and own them.

We create our own reality. So often, it's things in our subconsciousness that shape our reality without your knowing. But when you begin to ask yourself questions like: Why did you get married, or divorced? Why did you construct a life in small living quarters? Why are you allowing someone else to hurt you? Etc. All of these things fall into our own responsibility. And accountability.

Once we accept responsibility for our life and everything that happens, it gets a lot easier to change our lives. You start embracing where you're at and build new structures. The same applies to society at large. We so often blame "the rich", the "politicians", "those up there", but all those people in power were expressions of what the collective mind created. That, too, is responsibility. We create with our thoughts, with the stories we tell, the stories we read, the content we engage with, the talks we have with friends and neighbors, at work. Gossip people engage with; gluttony, negative outlooks, negative thinking. Thinking in limitations. Etc. -- All that manifests collectively.

Saturn prompts each of us to look deep inside and see where old structures are hindering the new you. It brings out old nervous imprints that hold you back, keep you down or show you unfinished business. Things where you still need to integrate lose ends.

If there are unresolved issues from previous incarnations that hold you back, Saturn energies may bring those out. Issues that are hidden deep within yourself are coming to the forefront. Decisions you may have been putting off. Those of us who have worked on themselves can embrace Saturn energy -- you've done ... or are doing... the work. Those who haven't, may face some challenging energies to finally confront and discover what you need to let go of.

Speaking truth is no longer optional

Mercury, the messenger and master communicator, inviting us to speak truth and communicate with mental clarity, not raw emotions. Mercury is calling us to be honest and speak our truth. From the heart. Not the head. Be truthful to yourself as well as to others.

Are you speaking your truth? Or, are you hiding behind illusions? Is your truth coming from the heart or from your head? There is a difference.

As long as your truth comes from the head alone -- you are manipulable. And likely occupied by foreign thoughts. In the age of misinformation, people often believe what they hear and repeat what others tell them - taking these notions as "truth". We've seen it with mainstream media as well as on social media with alternative media. But this is no longer enough. To discern, you must speak YOUR truth - and that only comes from the heart. The place where your intuition lives; the place that can connect you to everything that exists; the place that is one with all the living heart energies of the planet and the universe. The place where you can speak with animals and plants and read others.

To discern, you must speak YOUR truth - and that only comes from the heart.

Mercury is about truth in what you're saying ... as well as what you're not saying. What you suppress. If you say something nice to someone just to say something nice -- but it's not the truth -- it will hurt your heart energy center and eventually come back to you. When you engage in gossip or talk bad behind someone's back -- you're hurting yourself, not the other person. Mercury invites us to be honest. With ourselves and with others.

The general rule should be: if you can't say something to someone's face - don't say it at all. Because you're not truthful.

So, cut through the fog of deception and express yourself authentically. And with clarity. It is time to speak up. Find the courage to communicate and say what you mean and mean what you say. Align your words with what you really feel.

And then, there's a New Moon:

Adding a perfect component to setting BIG steps and ventures in motion. If you ever wanted to manifest something BIG, the time is now. Set your intentions. Write them down. Speak the loudly, declaring your will and wishes to the universe - feeling every intention with each word. Raise your arms and hand it over to the universe. Take action and become a co-creator.

It's the time to recognize and take your place. Our chance to evolve. A new order of the world we live in is getting ushered in. A time when Earth's energy field -- our etheric, finer energies multiply 3-4 fold! This big shift is not just about the planets. It's mostly about you -- us. Happening within us, around us, underneath us, above us, urging us to shed the old. And step into the highest version of ourselves.

A time when Earth's energy field -- our etheric, finer energies multiply 3-4 fold

That's why Earth is getting warmer, our feelings stronger, our emotions louder and our perception multiplied. That's why rivers get higher, the water more vinegary, the grass warmer.

Start seeing with the heart center, instead of the physical eyes: Seeing from the inside out vs outside in

Use this unique time window to work on releasing past hurts. Open your heart and start seeing with the energy from the heart vs seeing through the mind. When you see from the outside in as we have done up to this point -- we just see the shape of something. It's condensed energy, but so far, most people think what they see is what is there. This has been commonly called "reality". But when you see from the inside out -- you see from a different perspective. Through different eyes. It's the spirit that sees; the love perspective. Because it's not you who sees - it's the Divine.

Try it out: feel what it feels like to see from your heart region. With a little bit of practice you can experience a field where love flows unrestricted and abundantly. Where your heart overflows. You will then begin to notice increasingly when you see another person what's going on inside of them; you start seeing beyond the condensed form of what your physical eyes observe.

The planetary alignment gifts us a unique energy to step into our true power. Your Truth. Trust the process. Embrace an overflow of love in your heart region and transform from who you were into a new being. A new You. A higher You. And let's meet. As Rumi wrote: "there's a field beyond this world, I meet you there."