Discover the four elemental principles in yourself and learn how they influence your personality. Balance the elements for genuine harmony and health.
SUMMARY: The four elements of fire, water, air, and earth are present in all living things, including humans. Each element has positive and negative poles, and when one element controls a person, they become reactive to triggers. By learning to master the elements, individuals can consciously work with them and find balance. The journey to discover the influence of the elements in your personality lead to a deeper understanding of your true story and the hidden Kingdoms of Nature.
Everything in Nature is Created from four ingredients - the four elements of fire, air, water, earth. Of which fire and water are direct forces, air and earth are of neutral nature.
Everything on the planet is created with help of the elements.
All elements have positive and negative qualities. Denying one side means denying half of yourself.
"A Magician knows: Everything on the planet is created with help of the elements."
Everything in Nature is created from the four elemental principles -- fire, water, air, earth, including human beings. The elements are also active in us.
All of those principles have a positive and a negative pole. Positive and negative qualities.
We carry the fire principle, the water principle, the air principle and the earth principle in us. They manifest in different qualities and character traits. These principles are also represented by the four fingers of each hand!
The 5th -- the thumb -- represents the Fifth element, the Akasha, God, Source, Creator, where everything originates from (which is why the thumb is not in the same row as the four fingers. The Source of all doing and undoing. Cause and effect.
Because all that exists in the physical world contains duality, polarity, so, too, do all of the four elements have positive and negative impact. And both are important. Denying one side means denying half of yourself. You cannot see light without darkness; strength without weakness and so on. So, these principles are expressed in us with their respective qualities -- positive and negative.
When an element controls you, you are reactive to triggers.
But when you learn to master the elements as a divine human being, you can consciously work with them.
"Easily triggered? When an element controls you, you are reactive to triggers."
So: Which element is more dominant in you? Which one is under active? And how do you get to balance?
When looking at why we currently see so many things our of balance -- the elements and their powers, their rulers -- have a lot to do with it. If we don't learn to master the elements -- the elements will control you. So, if, for example you are impulsive, overreact quickly, blow up quickly, the fire principle in you gets the better of you.
If you're overly emotional, can't control your emotions, fall easily into depression, the water principle is overactive. on the other hand: when you can't show emotions or connect, the water principles may be under activated in you.
Learning to go into elemental territory is a journey that can take you on your own adventure of meeting the invisible Kingdoms. If you're a fan of Tolkien's Lord of the Ring, your own journey into elemental beings might hold you in its grip just as well!
Having been asked often ‘what’s your story’, I went on a quest to discover my real story. The hidden one.
As part of this journey, I went on a discovery quest to capture the influence of the elements -- that is to say -- how they expressed themselves in my personality over the years and what that meant. Then I had the idea of doing a portrait story in pictures, with a focus on the elements in humans. The outcome is an interplay of the elements in Nature and and how this very Nature lives in us.
You can peruse through below! Getting some insights on qualities and domains the elements rule over. ... Perhaps you stumble over some similarities of my journey and how the elements influenced me or find inspiration to come up with your own portrait story.
In the following pages, you find qualities associated with the various elements and their positive and negative expressions. You can start mapping character traits in you, find out what may have a hold over you and transmute them into a force for yourself.
You'll find also color associations with the various energy vibrations of each elemental principle to kick start your efforts to connect with the elemental principles in you.
Come with us on a journey to discover Nature in you!
If you're ready to go deeper into working with elements and encountering the Kingdom of Elves, Dwarfs, Nymphs or Salamanders, you can contact me. And if you simply get curious enough to start balancing the elements within you, subscribe to my newsletter.
Harmony in us humans is the main driver of genuine health and spiritual rising.
#Fire #Water #Air #Earth #Avatar #Akasha #Etheric #Spirituality #Magic #Source #Creator